New version of "Generation Tree"

A new BETA version of the program "Tree of Generations" was released.
New opportunities:

  • Fixed bug when exporting a tree to MS Visio, generated in the "Generations Tree" program. The svg file now successfully opens in MS Visio.
  • Added new card templates in the tree. New templates have a portrait display card.
  • Improved algorithm and fixed errors when rendering person cards in the tree.
  • When building a tree, and the location of the photo on the center, the text is aligned to the center of the card.
  • Fixed errors when overlapping lines when building a full tree.
  • Changed the layout of the person's form.
  • Fixed translation errors in languages other than Russian.
  • Fixed other bugs and increased stability of the program.
You can download the program by link. Your comments, suggestions and feedback about the program's work, send to